
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Megan and Allan come to PRAHA

I was so excited for this Spring Break because Megan and Allan were coming to Czech me out in Prague! They flew out here to Prague on April 21 and landed here in Prague April 22nd Friday. I unfortunately could not greet them at the airport because I had my last day of school before break. But, being the great hostess I am, I sent Megan a copy of my apartment key so when she arrived she can just go straight to my apartment and relax from the long journey. I remember I called Megan when she landed in New York and she was like, "dang, you live really far away". They flew Delta International where she said while on board, "If there was a hell, this would be it!" YIKES. I guess it was a small cramped airplane where they didn't have their own tv monitors in their seats. She was also in the middle seat which is never a good time. After the long 10 hour flight, they arrived here and that's all they had to take care of, getting here.
In my room, they had two large bottle waters and two fresh croissants from a delicious bakery here. They said that saved their lives.
They couldn't have come here in a better time. It is spring here in Prague and the flowers are in full bloom. The trees finally have their leaves back and people are friendly again (yay). But MOST important was how AMAZING the weather had been all week and would continue to be nice all weekend.
I was so excited to see them I counted down the hours til work was done and RUSHED home. It was a strange feeling knowing my sister would experience what I had been living for almost a year. I was so happy for all the adventures we would share together.

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