
Friday, August 27, 2010

Thanks for being patient

Sorry for the long delay in writing in my blog but it has been a whirlwind of events and now I will catch you up on the past few weeks of adventures in Prague, Vienna, and Salzburg.
After the castle adventures in Prague, my mother and I decided to take a lovely day trip to Cesky Krumlov. Cesky Krumlov is a Historical Hertiage Center aka a tourist trap. My mom and I took a 4 hour bus ride from Prague to Cesky Krumlov and rushed to the castle there to get tickets for tours. It was a very cute town with a river running through it. It was great to stop and watch tourist kayaking or rafting down the river. My favorite part is when they were going down a shoot and the current was so strong at the end many people fell over board. First thing my mom and I did was take a tour of the Baroque theater. It is ONE out of two in the WORLD! It was incredible and what great condition the theater is in. Pictures were forbidden but the stage was an optical illusion to make it seem a lot bigger than it was. It can change scenery in 12 seconds and stage is made out of wood. Underneath the stage are men turning wheels to change the scenery, set up stage foot lights, and curtains. It was very neat to see and twice a year, for the die hard baroque fans with invitation only they put on a play.
After the Baroque theater, we took a tour of the Palace. They had a lot of stuffed bears and it was a pretty basic castle. They have two live bears in the castle that you can see...I hope the bears dont know whats inside the castle. My mom and I had a cafe dinner along the river and the landscaping is beautiful. I love the green rolling hills, blue skies, clean air, brown river rushing by...pretty great. Although unfortunately, they have a lot of tourist stores that takes away from Cesky Krumlov. We headed back on the bus and back to Prague at our Bed and Breakfast in Mala Strana.

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