
Sunday, May 15, 2011


The next day, we decided to drive down the coast to explore other beaches. Of course, this is easier to say then to do as there is tremendous stress trying to find your way around. We drove for 30 minutes and found a spot by a trail that takes you down to the water. It was a beautiful small beach but instead of sand was pebbles. I do not like pebbles as it's killer to walk with bare feet. Of course, Sarka went in and was even applauded by two french men. The french men just jumped in as Sarka has to prep herself for 15 minutes to convince herself to get in the water.
After our fun at that beach, there was a hiking trail down the coast. Once again, spectacular look outs. We found another sandy beach where we relaxed and Sarka rented a snorkel. She went in and swam around. She said she saw lots of fish but could only do it for a little bit since it's so cold.
We then went back to our car and drove to the supermarket to get dinner. I bought guacamole ingredients and made fresh guac. back at the hotel. We had such a great time at this hotel and it was so peaceful since there were no other tourists. Tourist season begins in June and prices go way up and LOTS of people everywhere. We were happy to be alone and it was the most relaxing place I have been to.
After dinner, we hiked along the cliffs and explored. We just enjoyed sitting and enjoying the views of the ocean. I really miss the ocean since I have been in the center of Europe. You really appreciate how beautiful it is and I know San Diego is for me because I need to ocean again.

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